Cookies Policy

Pinhal da Marina uses cookies on its website that improve the performance and user experience as described below.

What are cookies?

Cookies are text files with relevant information that your access device (computer, mobile phone, smartphone or tablet) loads via a web browser (Browser) when you visit our website.

Cookies used on our website do not collect personal information to identify the user. Its use is done solely to improve navigation performed by users, capturing their behaviours, tastes and interests globally.

In this sense, we try to analyze the data provided by browsing to improve the use and display of our website, making it simpler and faster, enabling a more interesting and dynamic browsing experience.

The user may, at any time, via their web browser (Browser), decide to be notified of the receipt of cookies and block the respective entry on your system. It should be noted, however, that the refusal of use of cookies on our website may result in the non-operation of important features.

Cookies operation

In general and as already noted, cookies are used to enhance the user's browsing experience, increasing the speed and response efficiency of our website.

We collect information about navigation on our website, such as the most visited pages, the user's location (research, third-party recommendation, ads or campaigns), if your visits resulted in the purchase of goods and/or services. We also capture whether the user must view our website in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish. We therefore seek to enhance your experience with our brand Pinhal da Marina. We may also use this information in remarketing campaigns.

We do not make the information collected by cookies available to third parties, except when required by law (state bodies or law enforcement agencies). However, we emphasize again that if you do not want our website data stored on your device (computer, mobile phone, smartphone or tablet), there are ways to block some or all cookies and delete all those who have been saved. If you want to delete our cookies or block the future storage of cookies, please be aware that you may not have access to certain areas/interactive tools on our website.

The different types of cookies

Analytical cookies: They are used to analyse how users use our website. These cookies are used only for the purpose of statistics creation and analysis, but never to collect personal information. So we can provide a high quality experience.

Feature cookies: They keep user preferences regarding the use of our website, so that it is not necessary to configure the website each time you visit.

Third party cookies: They measure application success and the effectiveness of third party advertising. They may also be used to customize a widget with the user data.

Expiration of cookies

Permanent cookies: They are stored at the web browser (Browser) level on your access device (computer, mobile phone, smartphone or tablet) and are used whenever you make a new visit to our website. They are usually used to direct the navigation according to the user's interests, allowing us to provide a more customized service.

Session cookies: These cookies are temporary and are available until you leave our website. The next time users access their web browser (Browser) these cookies are no longer stored. The information collected by these cookies is aimed to analyse traffic patterns on the web, allowing us to identify problems and provide a better browsing experience.

How can you manage cookies?

All Internet browsers (Browsers) allow the user to accept, decline or delete cookies, namely by selecting the appropriate settings on the appropriate web browser (Browser). 

Then, you can indicate how to proceed with the activation of cookies in some commonly used Internet browsers (Browser):

Internet Explorer: 
1) Click the "Tools" menu and then "Internet Options"; 
2) In the "Privacy", tab, scroll down and select "Accept all cookies"; 
3) To finish, click OK.

Mozilla Firefox 
1) Click the "Tools" menu and select "Options" 
2) Click the "Privacy" icon on the top panel. 
3) Check mark the box next to the "Accept cookies from sites" option. 
4) Click on "OK" to save the settings and close.

Google Chrome
1) Click on "Customize and control Google Chrome"; 
2) In the "Behind the scenes" tab, click on "Content settings";
  3) Select the "Allow the definition of local data (recommended) option; $$ contact-form $$

Cookies in the opening of newsletter and emails

Newsletters and emails may contain a small image for statistical purposes, which allow us to know if they are open and to check clicks through links or ads in the newsletter. The user always has the possibility to disable sending the newsletter or email through the specific option at the bottom of the newsletter or emails.

Embedded content in our website

Some of our pages have embedded video content, for example, through Youtube. When you visit pages that have this type of content, they may contain cookies.

Our website also uses social media sharing tools, such as Facebook or Twitter. When you click one of these buttons, a cookie can be activated for the service you chose to use.

We warn you that we do not control these cookies, therefore please refer to the relevant websites for more information.

What we DO NOT use cookies for

We want you to understand that the cookies we use do not collect information that identifies you or any information considered sensitive, such as personally identifiable info, email addresses, passwords or credit card info.

The information these cookies collect does not allow personal identification of users, nor allow us to monitor your browsing activity on other websites.

Learn more

The cookies law is the common name given to the European Directive of e-Privacy adapted to Portugal in Law 46/2012, effective as of August 30th.

You can find more information about cookies at

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